Long-term Care Insurance Review
Congratulations! You made a very smart decision to purchase a long term care insurance policy years ago but now you have questions. We’re here to help!
When was the last time you reviewed your policy? You may have questions like:
- What does it cover? Can I get care at home or only in a community – or both?
- How does this policy impact my financial future?
- When should I make a claim and how do I do that?
- How long do I have to need care before my policy will cover my costs (elimination period)?
- Are there a limit on what and how much it covers?
- What about those riders? Inflation, simple interest, compound interest, etc.
LionHeart Eldercare & Consulting will simplify and explain your policy, as well as support and/or initiate the claim for you. Download our informational flyer.
Policy Review
Many people don’t realize that some policies include coverage for ambulance transportation, care management and emergency medical equipment. We will review the policy and provide a summary of the benefits it provides. You’ll understand:
- What is covered
- Your daily rate of reimbursement for home and community care
- When you should initiate a claim and how to do it
- How to make the best use of your own financial resources while in the elimination period of making a claim
- The best time to start initiating a claim
- Any unique features of your policy
We will explain the details of policy so you can best leverage your investment.
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Claims Initiation
If you’ve experienced a medical condition that requires help from a home care agency or a move to assisted living, it’s probably time to start using your policy. This may be from an injury or a condition like dementia.
If it’s time to use your claim, we can help you with:
- Gathering the paperwork you’ll need
- Walking you through the step-by-step process of initiating your claim
- Getting the medical assessment you’ll need to support your claim
LionHeart has initiated many long term care insurance claims with a wide variety of insurers. You can rely on our experience to streamline the process and have you receive your benefits as soon as you are eligible.
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